One Student, One Teacher, One Parent, One Community – Can Change The World!

Superintendent’s Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

The summer has been busy with deferred maintenance projects, supply/equipment purchases, and continued clean-up on campus. Our continued goal is to strive for academic growth, developmental growth, positive character/behavior and school safety for each student.  I want to thank parents for supporting our school goals.

The ASSETS after school program will continue this year.  All students are welcome and encouraged to attend so stop by the front office and pick up an application.  I believe all students can benefit from the complimentary program.  The program will begin the first day of school and end on the last day of school.  If you have any questions please call the office at 209-563-6414.

We will continue to have an early release day once a week during the 2023-24 school year.  Beginning the first week of school, first through eighth grade students will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. every Tuesday and at 3:05 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Please remember to have your child(ren) at school on time daily and we encourage you to schedule doctors’ appointments after school or in the afternoon in order to avoid your child(ren) missing curriculum.  We appreciate your efforts and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make this a successful year.


Alison Kahl, Principal

*Tdap (whooping cough) information (the law requires that all 7th & 8th graders must have had the booster immunization in order to enter school)

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